Champions, the qualification framework in the groups: all combinations

THE SITUATION: Naples 12, Liverpool 9, Ajax 3, Rangers 0

The so far perfect path of Napoli – with 4 wins out of 4 games – gave Spalletti and his team the qualification for the second round with two rounds to spare. It is not yet certain whether or not to be top of the group. Three points with Rangers could bring them very close to the record, but if Liverpool were to win with Ajax, the verdict would be postponed to the last clash, at the beginning of November, against the Reds. In the event of a tied finish, Klopp’s men should still record a victory with more than three goals to overcome the Azzurri, given that Napoli won 4-1 in the first leg. In the event of a tie in goals in direct matches, in fact, the criterion for deciding the first classified would be the goal difference, and in this data Napoli is far ahead: 13 to 6.

26/10 Fifth matchday: Ajax-Liverpool, Napoli-Rangers

01/11 Last matchday: Liverpool-Napoli, Rangers-Ajax
