Champions, Manchester City-Real Madrid: Guardiola and Ancelotti

The Manchester City manager on the eve of the semi-final: “We are among the best four in Europe for the second year in a row. This club has never gone that far.”

Quality, compactness, humility. Pep Guardiola focused on these three concepts during the presentation of the match with Real Madrid. “Their talent can only be beaten with other talent. The comebacks are not the result of chance or luck, they are a high-level team in every aspect that knows how to do many things well. It is even useless to talk about the respect we have for them. opponents. What I particularly like about Real is that they have players for whom the ball never burns, even when they are 3-0 down: Modric, Kroos, Carvajal, Alaba, obviously Benzema “explained the Manchester City manager. in the press conference on the eve.

Finish line

For the second year in a row, the English are in the Champions League semi-finals. “Before the last decade, we had never gone that far. It is a very positive aspect for the club and it is an honor, personally I think it is great to be here with the best in Europe. Several teams do not get there, as well as we may not be there one day. That’s why I tell my players to have fun. Many believe we should win all competitions, always playing great football and scoring 4-5 goals per game, but that’s not the case. Winning is difficult for everyone. ” he remarked. Guardiola then recalled the importance of the goal already reached: “I will never be satisfied, I will always have another dream to realize, but I would sign at the beginning of the season to get to this point. If we didn’t hit the final we wouldn’t be able to say that the year is negative state “. “We must remain united – continued the coach, looking at the match – trying to suffer as little as possible. We can plan everything but in the end the games are decided with the quality and mental strength of the players. Benzema is fantastic, he has always scored a lot. We have to be good at defending and creating opportunities “. The blazon of the clubs is different and Guardiola is fully aware of this: “If we were to play against their history, we would have no escape. But we want to challenge them, it is an incredible opportunity”.
