Champions League: Spalletti on Milan-Naples 1-0

The coach: “Do we want to talk about Leao too? We have to tell the children that the flag can be destroyed… It was unsportsmanlike behaviour”

The defeat, the disqualifications of Kim and Anguissa and the apprehension about the conditions of Osimhen: Luciano Spalletti will have to deal with various headaches in view of the second leg against Milan, between absences and a result to overturn. “Any defection is important to us at this point in the season, but we have someone who can make up for these shortcomings. We’re sorry we don’t have Frank because I think it’s unfair that he’s not there, but that’s fine.”

And again: “I should have replaced it, I’m sorry it ended like this because I was considering taking it off. Kim too blatant? Since we’re talking about striking gestures, why don’t you tell me about Leao’s flag? So you can kick everything around the field? Now let’s go tell the kids that you can do things like this because nothing happens anyway? It is an unsportsmanlike gesture. Talk about managing the cards, I would have liked a yellow card for Krunic, who made a worse foul than Zielinski, who got the yellow card instead. But these are Italian things, I don’t want to talk about the referees, Rosetti was there, the referee will evaluate him”.


The technician has shifted the emphasis on the character aspect. “From this point of view we are still to be trained, but we also have many qualities. Sometimes it happens that we are sensitive to situations that we create ourselves, such as the atmosphere in the league match ten days ago: it was incredible, only the away fans could be heard and our fans were arguing among themselves. We are a very strong team with an important future, but we are all good guys and as such we are sensitive to what is happening around us” continued Spalletti. Overall though, he is satisfied with what he has seen on the pitch. “I congratulate the team for trying to make the match even with ten men, I also have to congratulate Maignan for the great save he made in the final. We knew that in any case this match would not have ended the discussion. I have nothing to digest because it’s a waste of time commenting on the defeats ”he concluded.
