Champions League, Conegliano-Vakifbank, Trento-Berlin and Milan-Lodz for the semi-finals

Big party at the Palaverde: the Turks have always been in the top 4 for ten years: the 3-1 is worth the challenge with the world champions Eczacibasi

The Champions League quarterfinals are over. After Civitanova’s qualification to the semifinals in the men’s category, Conegliano’s qualification for the women’s comes.

conegliano-vakifbank 3-1 (20-25, 25-18, 25-19, 25-16)

Conegliano returns to the Champions League semi-finals after two years, excluding reigning champions Vakifbank who have been among the top four in Europe for ten years. The practically sold out Palaverde pushes the panthers to success and comeback to win the necessary two sets. The start of the match was characterized by many errors on both sides. Vakif is very aggressive right from the serve and forces Wolosz to run a lot. Conegliano struggled to find the key, despite the arrival of Bardaro and Gennari on the second line. It is the former Ogbogu who closes the first set with three points in a row, the last one on a block against Haak. The Panthers give away six more points on serve in the first half of the second set. From there we also see Thompson again, alternating with Gabi and Frantti in putting the ball on the ground. The balance dominates until 17-18, when Conegliano scores an 8-0 run with three blocks (Fahr and Cook) and, finally, an ace. The atmosphere has changed and only the pride of Gabi, in the yellow-blue team from next autumn, keeps the yellow-black hopes alive. It is the Brazilian who, alone, mends Conegliano’s first break from 15-11 to 17-17. Then she is a solo from the host, now projected to challenge the world champions Eczacibasi in the semi-final. (Mirco Cavallini)
