Chamber puts an end to epidemiological emergency due to coronavirus | Coronavirus what you need to know

Today, the plenary House unanimously – with two abstentions from DéFI – approved a bill that puts an end to the so-called epidemiological emergency. This is a result of the switch to code yellow on the corona barometer, about which the Consultation Committee recently reached agreement. The text will come into effect tomorrow.

Read all the news about the coronavirus in this file.

As is known, the House approved the Pandemic Act last year. It had to provide a legal basis for the government to take rapid measures in the fight against the corona virus. The law has already been activated once – an activation which was subsequently extended for three months.

In order to do this, the epidemiological emergency had to be declared and confirmed by law. In order to put an end to that situation, a law is therefore also necessary. The proposal to that effect was submitted by Servais Verherstraeten (CD&V) and co-signed by the other majority parties.

With the lifting of the emergency, the royal decree containing the remaining corona measures will also be lifted. The still applicable rules regarding the mouth mask obligation and traveling and those for the workplace will then be included in specific regulations.

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