Chamber also reacts shocked to images from Ukrainian Butha

Chamber also reacts shocked to images from Ukrainian Butya

The House of Representatives also reacted with shock to the images of the massacre that, according to the Ukrainian authorities, retreating Russian soldiers have caused in Butja, a suburb of Kiev. Many MPs speak of war crimes.

“The terrible images we see cannot be described in any other way,” says D66 party chairman Jan Paternotte. “Tied up and shot. Raped and burned. Putin and his army must be prosecuted for this. As soon as possible.”

According to VVD member Ruben Brekelmans, “the real weakness of the Russian army” is not that it is withdrawing from Kiev, but “the barbaric way in which they murder innocent civilians”. As far as he is concerned, as much evidence as possible for these “war crimes” must be gathered so that those responsible can be prosecuted.

war crimes

GroenLinks leader Jesse Klaver speaks of “horrific war crimes committed by Putin”, which should not go unpunished. ChristenUnie leader Gert-Jan Segers also believes that “Boetsja’s blood and tears cry out for justice”. According to him, Russian soldiers have “raged like beasts”.

“War criminal Putin”, tweets PvdA leader Lilianne Ploumen. “Citizens executed, their hands tied, their remains in the streets of Butsha. Women raped in front of their children. Girls raped in front of their families. Atrocities committed by Putin’s army that cannot go unpunished.”
