CFK or Vilma Ibarra: who yells at Alberto Fernández?

a sentence of maximum kirchner In the interview he gave last week to the portal The Rocket to the Moon fired off an immediate question. She tried to defend her mother from the accusations that at some point circulated that she “mistreated Alberto Fernandez”. The complete sentence was: “In this government it is not Cristina Kirchner the woman who yells at Alberto, maybe there is another, I don’t know, but it’s not Cristina”. When she said “maybe there is another one” she left the riddle hanging and speculation immediately began.

The doubt was cleared up in the newspaper Página 12: “Through the corridors of Casa Rosada they assure that the one who usually raises her voice to the president is one of the women who are part of his intimate circle and who has been surviving the successive cabinet changes. From the President’s environment they speak of shouting, even in cabinet meetings. The only woman who meets all these requirements is Vilma Ibarra, one of the most trusted officials in the President.

The subtle reference of maximum kirchner to a woman who screams, it leaves him in an uncomfortable place in front of the feminist movement that deplores that type of expressions that seek to compare energetic speeches and heated debates with simple screams, especially when those screams come from a woman. A machiruleada, I would say CFKwho have also tried to leave closer to hysteria, than to the debate of ideas, when he argues vehemently.

Internal. Two questions arise from the appearance of Vilma Ibarra on the scene: Why did Máximo Kirchner introduce it? in the conversation without mentioning it? Who is the source of Pink House what does it suggest? To find an answer to the first question, we must look back to 2015 when vilma ibarra edited the book Christina vs. Christinaan analysis of the speeches and the measures it took Cristina Kirchner as president, contrasted with her interventions as a deputy, legislator and constituent convention.

In that analysis, Vilma Ibarra found contradictions in issues such as the fight against corruption, federalism, privatizations, transparency, money laundering and many other issues that had a more combative Cristina Kirchner in Congress and more permeable in the presidency or vice versa. . That publication never fell in favor with the current vice president, who has even said in public that to form the Frente de Todos she had to accept people with whom she was in a fight. Ibarra was one of them. The suggestion of Página 12 to Ibarra, according to reports in Casa Rosada, could have come from the offices of Gabriela Cerrutti, the presidential spokesperson who would be going through a short circuit with Ibarra, with whom they would not speak either.

differences. The Legal and Technical Secretary It has its supporters and detractors. The proximity of her to the president has brought her problems, but from that sector she is one of the few who fights for the unity of the Government. “It is necessary to prevent any situation from hurting the presidential authority and the unit”, she said in April of last year to Diario Perfil. For Ibarra both things are tied hand in hand, because today, who should be the synthesis of unity is the president. If the coalition breaks, the most hurt is Alberto Fernández.

Throughout these years there were different actors who attacked the figure of Alberto Fernandez. At first these criticisms came from marginal places such as Hebe de Bonafini or the former ambassador to Venezuela, Alicia Castro. Over time, these criticisms began to appear among officials of the ruling party itself, such as Sergio Berni or Andrés “El Cuervo” Larroque. But perhaps one of the moments in which Vilma Ibarra had to put her body to calm the wild internal government was after the defeat in the 2021 parliamentary elections, when the Minister of the Interior Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro presented his resignation. At that time, Ibarra mediated between De Pedro and the President and even spoke to the media to say that the president had not accepted the resignations that had been presented to him.

Unit. Ibarra has dialogue with almost all the actors of the ruling party. They also include men and women close to CFK. He has held one-on-one meetings with Máximo Kirchner, who perhaps today both are unaware of, after the deputy’s Chicana. One of the great friends of Ibarra is Graciana Peñafort, director of Legal Affairs of the Senate, and one of Cristina Kirchner’s main legal advisors. Something like CFK’s Vilma Ibarra. In one of the many meetings they held in 2022, always with a table in between, in which meat is served and washed down with Malbec, Ibarra confessed that Alberto had turned to a sad strategy of sending CFK messages to through political gestures. That was when there was still a chance for the coalition to hold together. Today that situation has changed to a much more critical climate, in which the start of the electoral campaign is just around the corner and no one retraces their steps.

Vilma Ibarra is part of the President’s small table. There also sit the deputy head of Cabinet Juan Manuel Olmos, the Chancellor Santiago Cafiero and the Secretary General of the Presidency Julio Vitobello. At those tables there is also vehement discussion and voices are raised, but with the difference that there are fewer witnesses. Perhaps, the next time Ibarra raises the tone of the discussion in a meeting with the entire Cabinet, he will remember that there can always be some little deconstructed look that still confuses passion with hysteria.

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