Cesc Fabregas, goodbye Monaco: “The worst year of my career and my life”

The 35 year old midfielder, returning from a rather troubled season in the Principality, does not renew the contract that binds him to the Monegasque team but categorically excludes hanging up his boots.

It’s over between Cesc Fabregas and Monaco. The 35 year old midfielder, returning from a rather troubled season in the Principality, does not renew the contract that binds him to the Monegasque team but categorically excludes hanging up his boots. His statements are taken from an interview with I know Foot.

GOODBYE – Fabregas does not leave room for interpretations regarding the continuation of his career. “Despite everything, I am and I am sure that between me and Monaco it is over. My contract expires next June and I am looking for a new start. My head needs a new start elsewhere. I have experienced the worst year not only. of my career, but also of my life. I suffered a lot, it was hard especially from a mental point of view. I still feel lucky because I lived this experience at 35 and not at 19, after having won almost everything and played over 900 you play professional. In short, it could have been even worse. ”

PERSPECTIVES – Coaching is a possibility but to be evaluated in the near future. The Spaniard still feels like a footballer. “If I have to be honest, in the last few weeks I have already received two or three calls from some of my former coaches. They wanted to know my intentions, to understand what my immediate plans were. Someone even asked me if I was willing to join the his staff. I don’t disdain the idea but I don’t want to end up playing football like this after having built a certain type of career with so many sacrifices. I still feel like a footballer, I know I can be, I don’t think the time has come yet to say enough is enough because if I am well I can keep up with my teammates. I want to enjoy some more football. I have no particular preferences about the country or the league, I want to close this season and then focus on the future. I will choose the project which I will consider more in line with my expectations “.
