Cesara Buonamici gets married at 65

M.better late than never. Cesara Buonamici marries. The presenter of the Tg565, is ready to get married with Joshua Kalman, 71 years old, Israeli doctor. The two do fixed couple for 24 years, but only now would they be convinced to take the plunge.

Cesara Buonamici is getting married

The presenter of Tg5 with her partner Joshua Kalman (Ansa)

According to reports from the weekly Novella 2000, the presenter will marry her partner in Fiesole, in Tuscany, the region of origin to which Cesara is very attached. The publications would be ready. The two chose the civil ceremony which should be celebrated in the summer. However, the exact date of the wedding is still unknown.

Why so late

Cesara Buonamici has always been very reserved about her private life. Only on one occasion did she speak of her feeling that binds her to Joshua Kalman.

Invited by Silvia Toffanin in the living room of very true, in fact, she confirmed that she had never married to her partner. Explaining why: «We have thought about it but when things work out you feel like you don’t want to break the spellThe reporter said. Which now, evidently, has changed his mind. The next orange blossom among the tv characters are hers.

