Cerebral hemorrhage symptoms, causes, why you can die, consequences

The consequences are very serious, but the risk factors are often underestimated. Here’s everything you need to know

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L’cerebral hemorrhage it is a condition that occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and blood leaks into the surrounding brain tissue. This can cause permanent damage and put in life threatening the patient. Although it is a condition that mainly affects the fascia between 55 and 75 years oldmay occur a little to every age depending on lifestyle and predisposing factors. The former goalkeeper and general manager of Ajax was recently affected Van Der Sarcurrently in intensive care.

cerebral hemorrhage: the causes

The causes of bleeding in the brain can vary, but are often related tohypertension or other underlying conditions that increase blood pressure. Other possible causes include brain aneurysmsmalformations of the arteries, ischemic strokes or head trauma. THE symptoms may include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, loss of consciousness, weakness or numbness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or orienting oneself in space. It’s important to remember however that they can vary a lot depending on the brain area involved. The consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage can be severe, permanent and very disabling: brain damage, physical and cognitive disabilities, loss of the use of a limb or other bodily functions, and death. There are two main types of cerebral hemorrhage: theintracerebral hemorrhage And subarachnoid hemorrhage. The former occurs when a blood vessel within the brain ruptures and blood pools in the brain tissue. The other is when blood leaks into the tissues surrounding the brain, such as the meninges. The differences between these two types of bleeding are essential to know, as they affect the treatment and patient prognosis.

prevention: reduce the risk

Brain hemorrhage is a serious pathology that can have permanent consequences on health and quality of life. However, there are some steps you can take to reduce the risk to develop one. First, it is important to know the risk factors. Some are modifiable, that is, they depend on our behaviors, while others depend on factors over which we have no control. Among the non-modifiable risk factors are advanced age, male gender and the presence of a family history of the disease. However, there are also modifiable risk factors, such ashigh blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity And the sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, adopting a healthy lifestyle and following some good habits can help reduce the risk factor considerably. That’s why it’s important to keep your blood pressure in check through a healthy and balanced diet, regular exercise and taking medications prescribed by your doctor. Another fundamental thing: it is imperative stop smoking. Finally, consuming a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, fish and legumes can help keep blood pressure under control and therefore reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

diagnosis: the warning signs

Recognizing the symptoms of a brain hemorrhage is critical to being able to act promptly and save the patient’s life. Symptoms may vary depending on the area of ​​the brain affected and the severity of the bleeding, but, as we have seen, may include severe, sudden and persistent headacheconfusion, loss of consciousness, weakness or numbness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or orienting oneself in space. If you suspect a brain hemorrhage, it’s important to call immediately on 118. One of the first tests done is computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. These are techniques that make it possible to visualize the affected area of ​​the brain and to confirm the possible presence of a hemorrhage. In some cases, the doctor may also order cerebral angiography, which is useful in cases of aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation.

therapies for cerebral hemorrhage

The treatment of cerebral hemorrhage depends on the severity of the pathology and from its causes. In some cases, surgery is done to remove accumulated blood in the brain and restore normal blood circulation. In others, one is enough Pharmacological treatment. Surgery for brain hemorrhage can carry the risk of complications, but in some cases it is the only option. Drug treatment, on the other hand, may include taking medicines to reduce blood pressure or to keep symptoms at bay. There rehabilitation is an important aspect of treating cerebral hemorrhage, as it can help the patient to recover motor and cognitive functions. Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy are used. Furthermore, psychological support is important to help the patient and his family manage the problems emotional effects of this pathology which can, in many cases, also cause anxiety, depression and other emotional disorders.
