Cercle Brugge asks Pro League to improve quality arbitration and VAR interventions

Cercle Brugge asks Pro League to improve quality arbitration and VAR interventions

​Cercle lost an acid last weekend at Antwerp (2-1). The Great Old scored the winning goal on a penalty kick after Cercle’s Thibo Somers accidentally hit the ball in the arm in a duel. Coach Miron Muslic vented his anger about the arbitration in front of the television cameras afterwards.

“Lack of unified decisions”

In a statement, Cercle emphasizes on Tuesday that it does not question the integrity of referees, but that the West Flemings note “a lack of uniform decisions”. “Last weekend there were again discussions in at least four games in which refereeing decisions claimed the leading role,” says Cercle, which sees “a lack of uniform decisions”.

“These have a direct impact on the ranking, creating frustration and confusion for all teams, the fans and the stakeholders involved. In addition, the decisions have a negative impact on the image of our competition.” Groen-zwart contacted the Pro League to express concern about inconsistency in the arbitration.

“No Progress”

“This season, Cercle Brugge itself has met with the Professional Refereeing Department several times to discuss the current situation. Unfortunately, we have not seen any progress. Cercle therefore insists that steps be taken by the Pro League to improve the quality of refereeing decisions and VAR interventions.”

“We therefore hope that the necessary concrete measures will be taken to improve the current situation for all Pro League teams,” concludes Cercle.
