Ceramic Museum Goedewaagen receives a unique donation

Keramisch Museum Goedewaagen in Nieuw-Buinen has acquired a unique collection of hand-painted images of Dutch monuments on Gouda pottery that is unique in the Netherlands. The donation comes from the estate of the Amsterdam ceramic collector Loek Borensztajn.

The vases, cactus pots, cups, plates, clogs and pipe racks were pricey souvenirs that were taken during holidays. They give an idea of ​​the Dutch holiday trips in the period mainly between 1930 and 1937.

The paintings were made during the crisis. According to the museum, the quality is high, often in the style of oil paintings. Most of the objects were painted at the Plateelbakkerij Ivora in the Goudse Kuiperstraat. Artistic manager JC Guérain, who as a teenager trained as a pottery painter at the Porceleyne Fles in his birthplace Delft, produced a large number of masterpieces to his name.

The donation will be exhibited from January 7 to June 30 next year.
