CEOE and Defense commit to seeking employment alternatives for military personnel over 45 years of age


Act at 13:29


The Ministry of Defense and the CEOE employers have presented this Thursday a collaboration agreement by which they undertake to train and seek employment for the military who, due to age, have to leave the Armed Forces, a situation in which they find themselves at the moment 4,796 former soldiers and sailors, according to data from the department headed by Margarita Robles. The agreement focuses on the transport, construction and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sectors, and has the involvement of the main business organizations of these economic activities.

The law says that, from the age of 45, soldiers and sailors who have not been promoted or have access to a permanent position must leave the Armed Forces and therefore rejoin civilian life at an age that is not the best to look for a job. new job; a situation of social and political concern: in recent years, different parliamentary groups, from United We Can to Vox, have presented parliamentary initiatives to change the norm. The joint program agreed upon by Defense and CEOE, called “It’s my strength”, seeks -according to its promoters- to facilitate the transition to the civilian world by preparing in advance the members of the troop and seamanship scales so that they respond to the professional profile demanded by the Business.

According to the terms of the agreement – which the president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez, explained – “45 professional profiles have been defined so that the military know what companies need through the SAPROMIL platform [que gestiona salidas profesionales en el ámbito civil para los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas]”; a job that has required sending thousands of quizzes to know the interests, abilities and skills of potentially interested soldiers and sailors, they say in the employer’s association. From there, these sources continue, the sectoral organizations of CEOE will work to achieve connections between the interested military and the companies that need labor.

6,000 bus drivers

Some of the managers of the participating employer associations have emphasized precisely that their sectors offer jobs in which former soldiers and sailors can fit in especially well, due to the training received in the Armed Forces. “Right now we need 6,000 professionals to fill the vacancies that the generational change is going to cause,” explained Rafael Barbadillo, president of Confebus, the employers’ association for the transport of people by road, who added that the Compulsory Military Service was a “quarry for the sector that disappeared” that perhaps can be recovered thanks to “It’s your strength”. For his part, Víctor Calvo Sotelo, general director of the DigitalES technology company, assured that “we need new digital profileswith special emphasis on the Data Protection Centers that are proliferating throughout Spain & rdquor ;.

All the participants in the act of presentation of the project have emphasized that the companies especially appreciate the values that former Armed Forces professionals bring, such as “loyalty, work capacity or leadership; companies ask for military personnel,” assured Pedro Fernández Alén, president of the National Confederation of Construction. The heads of the Ministry of Defense and CEOE have also glossed over the contribution of the military to the world of work. “Businessmen, know that with them you will have commitment, loyalty, efficiency, talent and humility”, assured Margarita Robles; “We need people with these values ​​in jobs in Spain; we must not only talk about aptitude, but also about attitude, and that of the members of the Armed Forces is unquestionable,” added Antonio Garamendi.
