Centrumrechtse partij van ex-premier Borisov aan kop in Bulgaarse verkiezingen volgens exit polls | Nieuws

The conservatieve partij GERB van ex-prime minister Bojko Borisov will result in exit polls de parlementsverkiezingen in Bulgarije. De overwinning is warned, maar de vraag is of Borisov erin zal slagen om een ​​coalitie te vormen.

The Bulgarians dry the day for the four corners in April 2021 near the stembus, on the day of the reigning of Prime Minister Kiril Petkov. When coalitieregering lost de parlementaire meerderheid in June, after the populist partij ITN de coalitie had been announced. On August 2nd, 2022, Galab Donev, a president of Rumen Radev, suffered a transitional rule that he could have died before a new rule.

GERB, in April 2021 still missing from the Verkiezingen on accusations of corruption by the repeated opposition, is now only aware of the stevenen op een overwinning. The result of an exit poll from Gallup International Balkan was 24.6 percent from the part of Borisov. Op number twee staat de liberale PP (‘Wij gaan door met de verandering’) by ex-Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, with 18.9 percent.

Borisov was the next prime minister, tussen 2009 and 2021. He would like a campaign with a plan from “terugkeer naar stabliteit”.

The three parties of the last regeringscoalitie, PP, the socialists and the conservatief-liberaal-groene coalitie DB, halen volgens de exitpoll ruim 37 percent. In the parliament, a maximum of eight parties can participate, but also opnieuw the pro-Russian nationalist party ‘Wedergeboorte’.

According to the Gallup-peiling, there is no more than 35 percent of the pebbles in the area.

Bulgaria, since a political crisis is rolling in the other, it is 2007 in the European Union. The Balkan country, which has 6.9 million inhabitants, is the poorest country in the EU. Het is a parliamentary republic with 240 volksvertegenwoordigers who have been enshrined for a mandate of four years.

(Her)bekijk also: Fratelli D’Italia van Meloni wins Italiaanse verkiezingen (26-09-2022)

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