Central Council of Muslims in Germany takes sides against Israel

By Gunnar Schupelius

The association expresses itself unilaterally and is silent on rocket terror against the Jewish state. This is completely irresponsible and gives a deep insight, says Gunnar Schupelius.

On Holy Saturday, radical Arabs demonstrated in Neukölln for the annihilation of Israel. It wasn’t the first time. Every now and then they march across Hermannplatz in small groups, screaming.

It’s always only a few hundred angry men, but they are the tip of an iceberg of unforgiveness and hatred against Israel and the Jews that has grown in Berlin. Most mosque communities and Muslim associations distance themselves only half-heartedly or not at all from this dangerous development.

A statement by the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD), published on Maundy Thursday in Berlin, is typical of this mildness towards the willingness to use violence.

It was about the police operations on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Muslim men had rioted there and entrenched themselves in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They were instigated by Ismail Haniya, the head of the terrorist group Hamas, which runs a dictatorship in the Gaza Strip.

The Central Council of Muslims called for peace in its press release, but did not turn against the men rioting on the Temple Mount or against Ismail Haniya in the Gaza Strip.

Instead, it said: “We condemn any use of force and call on the Israeli security forces, together with the guardians of the Holy Place, to do everything possible to ensure that this tense situation does not escalate further.”

That’s exactly what the security forces had done. They tried to get the perpetrators out of al-Aqsa and arrest them. At the Central Council of Muslims, however, it sounds as if the Israeli police allowed the situation to escalate and not the men in the mosque.

After the riots on the Temple Mount, a total of 60 (!) rockets fell on Israel from launch pads in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syria. Israel had not previously attacked the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, or Syria.

The 60 rockets landed on completely innocent people who had to flee to the bunkers with kith and kin. In the Jordan Valley, two Jewish sisters, 16 and 20 years old, were shot dead by terrorists in a passing car, and their mother was seriously injured.

This gigantic attack with 60 rockets and the double murder were also not worth commenting on from the Central Council of Muslims in Germany. And not only this association remained silent, but also all other Muslim organizations in this country, which otherwise interfere in Israeli affairs at any time.

All of these silent clubs and associations are apparently neither willing nor able to call back the young men from Hermannplatz who are increasingly openly, unabashedly and quite obscenely wishing the Jewish state and its citizens dead.

This is exactly what should never happen again on German soil, we all agreed on that. But that consensus has been broken and no one is really taking action.

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Read all of Gunnar Schupelius’ columns here
