Center for Artificial Intelligence is being built in Kaiserslautern

KAISERSLAUTERN/BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Kaiserslautern in Rhineland-Palatinate is getting a center for artificial intelligence (AI). This is intended to strengthen the development of AI in Germany and bring more speed to practical implementation, said Federal Digital Minister Volker Wissing (FDP), who comes from Rhineland-Palatinate, to the German Press Agency in Mainz on Thursday.

“Founders, start-ups and companies should have access to the cutting-edge research and test environments of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in order to test and further develop applications,” said Wissing. The aim is for particularly high-quality AI products to be created in Germany.

The AI ​​center is to be set up in Kaiserslautern and a second one in Berlin by the National Initiative for Artificial Intelligence and Data Economy, which will henceforth have the shorter name “Mission AI”. The initiative is part of the federal government’s digitalization strategy./chs/DP/men
