Cemetery of the fetuses, no more women’s names on the crosses

D.After the excruciating pain of aborted pregnancy, the trauma of seeing one’s name as a non-mother publicly exposed. In a fetus cemetery, on a metal cross, without even having been informed. Thus a legitimate choice, that of abortion, has long been “crucified” at the Flaminio Cemetery in Rome and in many other Gardens of the Angels in Italy. From today, in Rome, it can no longer happen.

With a resolution of the Municipality, invoked since 8 March 2021 by the Association Free to have an abortion and made possible by popular action, it has in fact been modified the police regulation cemetery. And a burial procedure has been established which guarantees the protection of the freedom of choice and the privacy of women.

Finally a step forward, but that is not enough for us “he explains on his Instagram profile Francesca Tolino, of Free to abort. She was that woman too, alone in front of a cross after a therapeutic abortion, in a cemetery of fetuses (below, his story told by Al Jaseera).

Cemetery of the fetuses: from the name on a cross to the code on a stone

The resolution of the Capitol provides that only the woman or her delegate may apply for burial or cremation of the “products of conception”, “abortion products” and “fetuses” (to use the words of the law). That the names of the women who have aborted are no longer displayed. And that, instead of the Catholic symbol of the cross, which was previously arbitrarily imposed, a funerary cippus should be used. To respect anonymity (as required by law 194 on abortion) there will be only one on the stone an alphanumeric code or, for those who request it, even a fancy namea term of endearment, a symbol or a date.

Another important change concerns the possibility of accessing the stone: until now anyone could call Ama and be told where in the fetus cemetery they were. Now, however, access to this information is allowed only to women. At most, to those entitled in the event of the death of the “woman concerned”.

Not mother, not parent: words are important

“There are several very important points in this resolution.” The lawyer explains it Francesco Mingiardi, promoter of popular action against the San Giovanni hospital, the ASL Roma 1 and the Ama together with Francesca Tolino and Simone Sapienza. Together, this morning, in the Roman headquarters of the Radicals they will celebrate the milestone reached. Continue the lawyer. «First of all we are satisfied with the words. The resolution never speaks of “mother” or “exercising parental authority” but of “interested woman” and “exercising parental responsibility”. But above all it establishes that only the woman, or one of her delegates, can request burial ”.

However, following the resolution of the Municipality, the Lazio Region has not done its part so far. In fact, there is still no exact definition of the information that must be given by the hospitals.

The importance of informed consent

The management of fetuses and products of conception usually it is not mentioned in informed consents and it is not discussed by health professionals, so non-parents often don’t even know they have a choice. Women, “who from pregnant become patients, in a secular state”, as Mingiardi defines them, must instead be fully aware of what will happen to that piece of their expelled body. They must know, also to freely choose, not to want to deal with it.

Below, the emblematic story of Marta Loi who helped open our eyes to the situation at the Flaminio.

“From what I’ve seen, up to now the hospitals provided ex officio, replacing the woman in the request for burial. The ASL authorized her request by transferring the fetus accompanied by the woman’s name and surname, unmarried even if married, to Ama », continues the lawyer. A very sensitive fact thus became public knowledge. A very private choice became automatic. “But many women I spoke to, had they been informed, would have chosen to take care of the burial themselves instead. Others would not have wanted to know but all would have liked to be informed », continues Mingiardi.

Between “fetuses”, “abortive products” and “products of conception”

Nationally, the burial of fetuses or conception products is regulated fromArticle 7 of the Mortuary Police Regulations which deals with the subject (and refers to a royal Fascist decree of 1939). A text that speaks (to return to the importance of words) of “relatives” and “parents”: improperly.

THE abortive products of presumed gestation age from 20 to 28 weeks complete and fetuses presumably at least 28 weeks of intrauterine age must be buried (“transport and transport permits burial are issued by the local health unit “).

The law then says that only the “relatives or whoever they are required to present within 24 hours from expulsion od extraction of the fetus, request for burial ». And it is precisely in that “who for them” that the risk lurks to take charge of the burial can be … anyone. Religious associations too.

In short, after the 20th week of gestation, the burial is required by law. The problem is who takes care of it materially. The mother’s name, which appears only on the medical record, should not be released under any circumstances from the gynecology department. Nevertheless.

The role of anti-abortion associations

It happens that to save time and money (when not by political choice), Local health authorities and municipalities often rely on Catholic anti-abortion associations, who take it upon themselves to pick up the fetuses and take them to the fetus cemetery. The best known of these associations, with 60 offices throughout Italy, is Defending life with Mary (Advm). One is visible on his site burial ceremony of “unborn children” complete with religious hymns and a pile of white boxes buried under a plaque dedicated to the Madonna. Of course, Mom is not there. And no one cares whether she is a Catholic, a Muslim or a non-believer. Or if she wanted to participate.

The Brothers of Italy bill: always burial

If death occurs before 20 weeks of gestation, the regulation provides that we speak of “products of conception”. In this case, the relatives always have 24 hours, from the moment of expulsion, to submit an application for burial to the local health authority. If the request does not arrive, the hospital must dispose of the products of conception, basically through thermal destruction (incineration) in the hospital’s special waste. Or, again, he can take advantage of the availability of third sector associations that will bury them, relieving the hospital of any burden.

In this third case, and only in this case, it is possible that the product of conception will not be buried. And on this case they took action Luigi De Carlo, Isabella Rauti And Lucio Malani of Brothers of Italy already in the last legislature. They wrote The draft law Provisions regarding the burial of unborn childrenwhich disposes the obligation for the ASL to burial for fetuses aborted from 20 weeks onwards, even without the consent of the woman.

If the bill were resubmitted and approved in this legislature, any product of conception, after 90 days of gestation, would therefore be obligatorily buried. In one of the many Gardens of the Angels of our country (here the map of the cemeteries of the fetuses, that’s where they are).

The problem is not the cemetery of the fetuses

Of course, the problem does not lie in the existence of fetal cemeteries per se or in the burial of the products of conception. The theme concerns the sensitivity of each and it is legitimate that those who have had to terminate a pregnancy want to cry for their unborn child on a grave. As if, another woman, in the same conditions, wants to try to sever the chain that imprisons her to her trauma and that her grave does not even want to see it.

However, who takes care of these fetuses and cemeteries is central. It is crucial that women who have carried those fetuses or embryos in their wombs for a few weeks or eight months, are informed. That the law is clear, so that, in its folds or in its imprecise words, other actors cannot and should not have a say on abortion. That women are protected, and not in danger of ending up stigmatized for a choice that must be free, and that is very painful.

