Cell phone trap on ODEG trains has been closed

In service from December: a new Odeg train of the

A “Desiro HC” type ODEG train Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa

From BZ/dpa

Passengers on the Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn (ODEG) no longer have to fear that their mobile phones will be “swallowed” by certain folding seats on the trains.

The slot in the wall paneling on the toilets on the train was closed with a metal sheet, the ODEG announced on Monday.

Mobile phones placed on the seat could no longer slip through the slot in the wall paneling when the seat automatically folds up after the passenger has stood up.

Passengers who experienced this mishap in the new Desiro HC trains had to wait days or even weeks for their mobile phones to be returned. The cell phones could only be salvaged from the wall paneling by a mobile team or even in the workshop.

The ODEG reported that the “mobile phone trap” file was now closed.


Bahn Handy News Regionalbahn
