Celine Dion will never sing in public again

THEHis heart goes on, as he sings in one of his most famous songs; but she, in the end, had to give up: Celine Dion, apparently, he will never sing in public again. To reveal it is RadarOnline. According to sources close to the 55-year-old Canadian singer, the singer is increasingly a prisoner of her body due to her stiff person syndromeand therefore the withdrawal from the scene is now certain.

Celine Dion is ill:

Celine Dion has difficulty walking

According to sources cited by the American news and gossip site, the singer is now so debilitated that she can only leave the house for short periods. He would therefore have no plans to reinstate the 2023-2024 tour dates that were canceled in May. Other sources later revealed a The National Enquirer that Céline Dion has by now «difficulty walking’ and that ‘his back has become bent and his muscle spasms are, at times, unbearable’.

Ineffective drugs

A factual situation also confirmed by the pop star’s sister, Claudette, who explained that the singer is desperately trying to find effective drugs to fight the autoimmune disease by which she publicly revealed in December that she was affected. But for now, while the whole family “crosses their fingers”, another sister, Linda, has moved into her home in Las Vegas to take care of her.

For the moment, however, even if “having hope is very important”, Claudette continued, “we have not been able to find any drug that has an effect”. And the singer has not had any improvement in her health.

What is stiff person syndrome?

Stiff-person syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system and primarily affects women. Among the most obvious symptoms of this autoimmune disease is the muscle stiffness. Limbs, trunk and abdomen remain contracted and painful, and every movement becomes very difficult. The continuous contraction of the muscles therefore also gives rise to often violent and painful spasms.

The disease also manifests itself with ankylosing inflammation of the spine, which becomes less mobile and flexible with the effect of a severe limitation of body movements.

