Céline Dion turns 54, on Instagram the photo as a girl

B.uh birthday Céline Dion! The music star performs 54 years old. And the best initiative to celebrate this day comes from his team, who up Instagram is pushing followers and fans to wish her best wishes.

Beloved, even if far from the scene due to poor health conditions, the singer has “appeared” on the social with a vintage photo of when she was a girl. A smiling portrait in a striped shirt and seventies trousers.

Celine Dion, the daring style of a diva

Céline Dion turns 54

So a photo of the singer and a few but effective words. “Today is a special day… it’s Céline’s birthday! Join us and wish her happy birthday in the comments below“. Here is the invitation from the team of the star to 5 million followers. An invitation immediately welcomed by fans of the music diva. That just a few months ago had made the public worry about her again.

The health conditions

In fact, in January la cantate shared a post on Instagram announcing the cancellation of her tour. “I was really hoping to be ready but I guess I just need to be more patient, and follow the regimen my doctors are prescribing,” her words. Then letting you know of not be ready to go back to the stage yet, promising “to return to full health”.

Céline Dion


It is not the first time that the singer cancels her professional commitments due to various ailments. But her fans have never abandoned her. They are always by her side ready to support her and to await the return on the scene.

I don’t count the years

Last year, on her birthday, Celine shared an old shot next to a cake. “I don’t count the years but for sure I’ll still be eating the cakeHe wrote with irony. Now, at 54, his gift comes from social media: hundreds of happy birthday messages from fans.

