Céline Dion: I have a neurological disease, I don’t sing as I would like

Nodo not improve the state of health of Celine Dion. To reveal it is herself in a video posted on Instagram where he reveals himself suffering from a rare neurological disease. Also, he announces that he has to move the concerts scheduled in Europe in spring 2023 to 2024. It also announces the cancellation of 8 summer datesincluding the Italian stage of the Lucca Summer Festival, scheduled for July 15th.

Celine Dion is sick

Collected hair, black dress, crossed hands and sad eyes. Celine Dion this is how he introduces himself to his followers, while telling what happened «I’m sorry it took me so long to talk to you. I miss you so much and can’t wait to get back on stage to meet you live », she begins.

“As you know, I’ve always been an open book,” she continues, “I wasn’t ready to say anything yet, but I am now. I have been suffering from health problems for some time and it is very difficult for me to deal with these difficulties and talk about what I’m going through. I was recently diagnosed with one rare neurological disorder called stiff person syndromewhich affects one person in a million.”

So, after months of silence, the artist decides to shed light on spasms from which he has been suffering for a long time. Spasms that «affect every aspect of my daily life», she says, «mi they cause problems when I walk, they don’t allow me to use my vocal cords and to sing like I used to do.”

Céline Dion in one of the last public appearances. (Getty Images)

Tour moved to 2024, summer 2023 dates cancelled

After that, the emotion builds and communicates it postponement of the concerts scheduled for 2023 in Europe and the cancellation of some summer dates. “It pains me to tell you that this means that I’m not ready to resume my tour in Europe in February». Right now, Céline Dion has to focus on her health and getting back in shape.

It is followed by a «team of doctors who work with me to make me better. (…) Every day I work hard with my physical therapist to regain strength and the ability to perform again, but I have to admit it’s a struggle». Then the thought of her turns to the profession that has always accompanied her. That profession which, thanks to her nightingale voice, has transformed her into one of the most loved and recognizable singers ever.

«All I know how to do is sing. It’s what I’ve done all my life and it’s the thing I love the most. I miss you so much», he adds, once again addressing his followers, «I miss not being on stage, singing for you. I always give 100% when I do my shows, but my condition doesn’t allow me to do it now.” He then announces a new stop, in the hope of recovering. “It’s my goal and I’ll do anything to get back in shape,” she promises. Finally, she thanks the public for the “messages of encouragement, love and support” with the wish to “see you again soon”.

