Celiac disease: the “warning” signs and how to recognize it (really)

Sand it is true that even from a medical point of view celiac disease is no longer considered a rare disease, it is also true that having a slightly swollen belly after eating a pizza is not enough to think of suffering from this autoimmune disease.

Celiac disease, what it is and why the gluten-free diet is not a method for losing weight

To diagnose this problem a precise diagnosis is needed, which only a gastroenterologist can make. Let’s say it right away, “do-it-yourself tests” or tests performed in pharmacies are not enough. Indeed, sometimes they confuse ideas. «Only the gastroenterologist, after a careful medical history and after having prescribed specific blood tests, can arrive at the definitive diagnosis of celiac disease» explains the doctor Roberta Elena Rossi, gastroenterologist at the Irccs Humanitas Clinical Institute in Rozzano (Milan).

Watch out for these signs

One of the reasons why it is not easy to arrive at a certain diagnosis of celiac disease is that this disease manifests itself with many different symptoms. Or with anyone. «In some cases, in fact, celiac disease can be asymptomatic. In the majority of adults, however, the disease manifests itself with very varied symptoms” clarifies Dr. Roberta Elisa Rossi who is also a consultant at Humanitas Medical Care De Angeli.

«In adults they overlap classic symptomssuch as abdominal bloating, diarrhea or weight loss, to other more non-specific ones as dyspepsia, that is, difficulty digesting” explains the gastroenterologist. «In addition to these, high transaminases, or anemia, or a deficiency of vitamins B12 or D or folic acid can also appear. Canker sores or stomatitis, some neurological alterations, multiple abortions and infertility can also raise the suspicion of celiac disease. The difficulty of diagnosis is that these symptoms rarely appear all together. They vary from person to person and can change over time” concludes the expert.

Those suffering from other diseases are more at risk

It may happen that you discover that you suffer from celiac disease when you are being treated for other ailments. «It could be the case of those who suffer from suffer from autoimmune hypothyroidism you hate type 1 diabetes mellitus» explains Dr. Rossi. «In these cases it is the endocrinologist who, suspecting celiac disease, sends the patient to the gastroenterologist» continues the expert. This disease, which makes foods containing gluten truly “indigestible”, also has a strong familiarity. «It doesn’t mean that all children of celiacs become celiacs themselves. Surely, though, they have more likely to develop the disease» clarifies the expert.

Celiac disease: it can “arrive” at any time in life

Celiac disease can appear in very young children, as well as in those over 80 years old. «In fact, we know that there are more predisposed subjects, but the exact cause that leads this disease to manifest is not known” explains Dr. Rossi. At the moment, it is known with certainty that celiac disease has an autoimmune basis. In simpler words, our organism attacks itself, However, the triggering factors are not known that trigger this “self-aggression”. «It could be an infection, or even the prolonged treatment with some medicines, or surgical interventions. But it is often not understood why a person becomes celiac at a certain point” explains the gastroenterologist.

Those with celiac disease must exclude not only pasta from their diet, but all carbohydrates that contain gluten. (Getty Images)

How celiac disease manifests itself in children

«Generally, celiac disease is diagnosed in very young children within two years of age. And in any case after ingesting solid foods containing gluten » explains Dr. Rossi. Usually, celiac disease in children manifests itself with diarrhea and recurrent abdominal pain, swollen belly, tiredness and poor absorption of nutrients. «It is precisely the difficulty in absorbing what is ingested in the correct way that often leads the child to have a slowdown in growth» concludes the expert.

As it turns out in the little ones

If you suspect that your child has celiac disease, it is even more important to contact a gastroenterologist. It is better to avoid do-it-yourself tests: they could give false positives or false negatives. The gastreoenterologist, after having reconstructed the family’s personal medical history, may decide to subject the child to specific tests. It’s a simple one blood sample, which allows us to discover whether specific antibodies for this disorder are present. «In case of doubt you can also use the genetic tests or endoscopic examination with biopsy. The latter in children it can be avoided, when the test results of antibody levels are high” explains the expert.

When you need to delve deeper

If for some years children have not always had a duodenal biopsy done, with adults it is necessary to proceed with this test to make a certain diagnosis of celiac disease. «The duodenum is a part of the small intestine and it is there that the typical alterations of celiac disease appear» explains Dr. Rossi. “THE intestinal villi, intended to absorb nutrients from food, appear to be “atrophied” if celiac disease is present” clarifies the expert. «Before having the gastroscopy it is necessary to fast for at least six hours. However, we must not make a very common mistake among patients” concludes the expert

A very common mistake

Often, as soon as you think you suffer from celiac disease, you stop eating foods that contain gluten, such as pasta, bread, pizza, biscuits and anything made with wheat or other cereals rich in this substance. «It is important, however, Don’t stop eating gluten because otherwise the tests for the diagnosis of celiac disease are altered” clarifies the gastroenterologist. In practice, you risk not discovering that you suffer from celiac disease, just because you have stopped eating pasta & Co., with the result that you go back to eating it, thinking that you are not celiac. And at the risk of getting hurt.

