Celebrity sailors start to suffer from seasickness right away

The third production season of the series “Across the Atlantic” starts on August 24 on the Discovery+ service.

Michael Björklund, Jarno Laasala, Anne Kukkohovi, Pete Parkkonen and Sara Forsberg will travel across the Atlantic in the Discovery+ service from August 24. Discovery+

The third production season of the Atlantin yli series gets off to a fast start, when the winds shake the sailboat and the rough seas make the celebrity sailors feel bad already in the first few meters.

The trip starts from Cascais, Portugal, piloted by Joel Harkimo. The sailors will travel to Saint Martin in the Caribbean in three weeks.

In the first episode, the probationers are assigned watch shifts. The wave grows, and water splashes over the sides onto the deck. Media personality Sara Forsbergmusician Pete Parkkonen and chef Michael Björklund begin to suffer from nausea at the very beginning of sailing.

– I’ll go back up right away. A strange feeling immediately began to come. I immediately felt somewhat unsure of myself, says Forsberg.

Harkimo compares sailing to being in a washing machine.

– The chef is completely out of the game and almost everyone suffers from seasickness. It’s hard to say how long it will take, because it’s really individual, says Harkimo.
