Celebration and tribute to RB Leipzig’s cup heroes, football | DFB Cup – MDR – Regional

Honoring the DFB Cup winners: RB Leipzig was welcomed by around 15,000 fans on the Leipzig market square the day after the final triumph against SC Freiburg. The team was then allowed to sign the city’s golden book.

Enthusiastic OBM Jung

Mayor Burkhard Jung thanked the team around Captain Peter Gulacsi: “Congratulations for this heart-stopping final. You did a great job. When Marcel Halstenberg left the pitch, I thought: that’s it. But it got cramped up to the last minute fought on penalties.”

He himself, said the mayor, received congratulatory text messages from Washington and Ho Chi Minh City on the evening of the Leipzig Cup triumph. “You can see the charisma that football has for the city.” Regardless of what others would say about the club: “This is a success story for the city, for all of us.”

March to the fairground

After the entry in the city’s Golden Book, the players presented their hard-fought trophy on the town hall balcony, cheered by the RB supporters. Then we went in a double-decker bus and at walking speed to the festival grounds at the former central stadium, where the celebrations continued on a stage. There were about 35,000 people there.

RB Leipzig celebrates DFB Cup victory

02:01 minutes
Available until 05/22/2023

