Ceiling of council chamber in Lichtervelde falls, great drama avoided

Ceiling of council chamber in Lichtervelde falls, great drama avoided

A loud bang in the town hall of Lichtervelde on Wednesday morning makes it clear that it is serious. When the staff goes to take a look in the council chamber, they see that the ceiling has fallen all the way down.

No human damage

Fortunately, it remains with material damage, although it could also be worse. Mayor Ria Pattyn was still present in the council chamber for a meeting minutes before the incident. So no human drama, but the shock is great.

“I think the suspension points of the false ceiling have given way. Everything has come down in a wave motion. First one side, then the rest, like a domino effect,” says ships of Patrimonium Jos Goethals.

The council chamber is the most used room in the town hall. This is where the city council meets, meetings are held and press events are held. The exact extent of the damage will be revealed after the clean-up works.
