Cecilio G la lía at a Vox stop during the Sant Jordi day

04/24/2023 at 16:09


The ragpicker has attacked and insulted this Vox candidate for Lloret de Mar

Vox Girona has shared a video of the attack on its social networks

New controversy surrounding the trapper Cecilio G. after carrying out an attack on a Vox candidate in Lloret de Mar (Girona). As the official account of the party in the province has denounced, “attack on our candidate for Lloret de Mar, Coque Hernando, and her municipal team“. The same profile ensures that the aggressors, more than one, have been identified by the Mossos d’Esquadra and for the Local police and adds: “the residents of Lloret deserve to live in a safe town again“.

In the video we can see that a young woman approaches the Vox post in the middle of the street to rebuke the volunteers who volunteered for this event; but the most striking thing is that one of those who would have attacked the candidate of the far-right party is none other than Cecilio G, artist who has already starred in new controversies in the past.

It is when we discover that The first person to rebuke is Cecilio G’s partner, raising the anger quickly and coming to blows. Several people were able to separate the protesters and both the artist and his girl left as they arrived. However, this fight could end up in court if a complaint was issued against them.

Don’t touch me, don’t touch me“Screams the girl, very upset, at the same time that she says:”you are Spanish, you are disgusting (…). Immigrants are disgusting”. will pronounce Cecilio G. after this incident?
