Cecchi Gori hospitalized for pulmonary complications: but the worst is over

The 79-year-old former senator has had complications after being positive at Covid. “Now it’s negative, but an emergency hospitalization was needed,” her doctor said

Vittorio Cecchi Gori, 79, former president of Fiorentina, is hospitalized at the Gemelli polyclinic in Rome for pulmonary complications. The news was given by his trusted doctor, professor Antonio De Luca, who said: “This is a complication certainly due to Covid, from which he recovered. Now it’s negative, but an emergency hospitalization was needed.

He is currently in the Solvents ward, where the Pope is usually hospitalized as well. He is under observation. He had Covid, despite the three doses of the vaccine. In recent days he had sudden respiratory failure, so he was rushed to hospital “. According to reports from “La Nazione”, in the evening people close to Cecchi Gori contacted him by phone and said that he is doing well: it seems that the worst is now over.


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