CD&V wants to report to children who earn money with photos and films on social media | Internet

The focus on children’s work is not yet addressed to ‘kidfluencers’, children who earn money with photos and films on social media. CD&V-Kamerlid Leen Dierick broke for better online information, may also be signaled for a reporting point for possible children’s work.

Child labor is in principle not completed, so that it can be individually afwijkingen aangevraagd. This also makes money for ‘kidfluencers’.

“Maar het aantal verzoeken rond influencen wordt door de arbeidsinspectie schat op tien per year,” says Dierick. “The belachelijk situation gotal toont enkel aan dat de ouders niet op de hoogte zijn van de wagelijk obligatory om hun activiteiten te report as ze hun children inschakelen. Vandaag wordt he voornamelijk werkt in a juridisch grijs area: he zijn betlijke obligingen, maar die niet vonvoldoende afgedwongen.”

Labor Inspectorate

The CD&V camera is ready for online information and reporting on children’s work. We want to inform you about your betting commitments, quickly and quickly, you can take advantage of the competition and adapt to the activities of kidfluencers. Reports of mogelijk inbreuken op de wet round child labor have been opgevolgd by the labor inspectorate.

“The huidige wetgeving is in a tijdsgeest gemaakt om childrenen te beschermen tegen fysiek zwaar of risicovol work. “That’s the only thing you need to do on the high-quality digital device,” says Dierick.
