CD&V wants the right to recording lessons for certain students in higher education

CD&V wants the right to recording lessons for certain students in higher education

In recent years, due to the corona pandemic, distance learning has been forced. Students could follow lessons live from a distance or watch the recordings later.

“Many higher education institutions have again abandoned online education at the start of this academic year. Depending on the teacher to teacher, lesson recordings may or may not be made available,” says Brecht Warnez (DC&V).

“more inclusive education”

However, according to Warnez, lesson recordings can contribute to a “more inclusive education”. The CD&V member refers to, among others, students who are struggling with a disability, a learning disability or long-term illness, working students and students whose lessons overlap.

“They can’t always be present in class or have trouble following a lecture completely.” For them, the Flemish Member of Parliament wants to introduce a right to lesson recordings “where technically possible”.
