CD&V-voorzitter Sammy Mahdi wil uitdoofscenario voor location-emissiezones | Inland

We will have a debate at the Automotive eMotion Summit in the Skyhall, the representative of Brussels Airport. As the doelstelling of the location-emission zones (LEZ) has been worded, the CD&V-voorzitter uitdoven may be used for this purpose.

At this moment in Antwerp and Ghent there are two French cities with a location-emission zone. Well, Brussels is in the city center. Volgens Mahdi zijn the zones nuttig om de hoeveelheid luchtvervuiling te diminish. The diesel cars meet the Euro 5 emission standard, and two new models meet the Euro 6(d) standard, are equipped with additional air conditioning, and this sounds.

The CD&V thinks it’s a good scenario for the LEZ’s want to use the air-conditioning system, of which the cars there are, is verbeterd. With the steeds storage units of new diesel cars and the opkomst of electric cars, the negative effect is raised on the air quality is the sound, it sounds. Volgens de partij lost the probleem van de stedelijke luchtkwaliteit zich within grandchildren jaren and also vanzelf op.

The party has a good chance of owning a sea of ​​damaged diesel cars within a few years.
