CD&V has new vice-chairmen, Vervotte in the party council | Inland

The two new vice-chairs were nominated by chairman Sammy Mahdi. MP Muylle must help the party in guiding the local branches. The strategic preparation of the municipal elections of 2024 is also part of her duties.

Flemish MP Bothuyne must work on the long-term positioning of the party and must redefine the relationship with civil society and civil society organisations.

The party council also welcomed some new members. It concerns Rita Triest, alderman in Liedekerke, Kris Poelaert, mayor of Herne, Steven Matheï, mayor of Peer, and Inge Vervotte. The latter was Minister of the Civil Service and Public Enterprises until 2011. In 2013, she left active politics to become chairwoman of the Emmaüs care network. Since then, she has been regularly asked to return to the federal or Flemish government.
