CDA Roermond on coalition exclusion: ‘Missed opportunity’ | 1Limburg

The CDA was exchanged for the PvdA during the coalition negotiations in Roermond. Outgoing CDA alderman Angely Waajen calls it a ‘missed opportunity for the city of Roermond’.

On Wednesday it became clear that the CDA is no longer participating in the coalition talks in Roermond. ‘Difference in opinion’, according to formateur Dirk Franssen, is the reason that the party has been expelled from the negotiations.

Also read: CDA kicked out of Roermond coalition negotiations

“As CDA, we have asked for room to create innovation in the administrative culture. Trust requires more than just a joint program. We now see that the composition of the board is leading for the cooperation between parties,” says Waajen, who refers to this. on the possible councilorship of LVR leader Jos van Rey.

Big winner
The LVR made a big profit in the municipal elections in March and grew from nine to eleven seats. Van Rey’s party was not involved in coalition negotiations in the past. After the elections in March, Roermond aimed for a coalition with LVR, GroenLinks, CDA and VVD. That was good for a majority of 21 seats on the 31-member council.

Also read: Coalition agreement in Roermond must be ready by the end of May

Negotiation table
“For a good cooperation, trust, respect and decency remain the starting point for us. The other parties did not want to offer the space requested by the CDA,” said Waajen.

Labor Party
As a replacement for the CDA, the PvdA is now sitting around the negotiating table. That party has two seats in the Roermond council, one less than the CDA. This means that the new coalition also has a majority.
