CDA remains largest party in Beesel | 1Limburg

With 35.8 percent of the vote, the CDA remains the largest party in the municipality of Beesel. The big loser is the party VLP

The CDA recorded a slight increase in the number of votes compared to the municipal elections of 2018. At the time, 34.6 percent of the inhabitants of Beesel voted for the Christian Democrats, now that is 35.7 percent.

The party VLP (Responsible Local Politics) is making a big sacrifice. They drop from 33.2 percent of the vote to 25.8 percent. There was also a substantial profit for Samen Verder Beesel. They won 21.8 percent of the vote, compared to 13.3 percent in 2018.

The turnout in the municipality of Beesel is also declining. 47.2 percent of those entitled to vote turned up, compared to 52.3 percent four years ago.

Also read: Old names and parties on the Beesel electoral list
