CDA MP Boswijk stays at home for a while after protesting farmers at home | Inland

“I always talk to everyone everywhere, even with negative advice,” says Boswijk. “Even yesterday. I then hear the uncertainty and anger, but unfortunately it is also often based on half-truths.” But visiting politicians at home “doesn’t serve any purpose,” he says. “Stop it!”

The CDA member emphasizes that the farmers who cross the line form a limited group. He says he is convinced “that the vast majority of the agricultural sector are hard-working people who are eager to contribute to the major social tasks.”

Yeşilgöz: politicians at home are looking beyond all borders

It is “beyond all borders” that rioters attacked agents on Tuesday evening and visited nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal at home, writes Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz (Justice) on Twitter. She expresses “100 percent support” “for the local services that are doing their utmost for our safety”, and emphasizes that the police and the Public Prosecution Service act, also afterwards. The minister did not announce any further measures.

Earlier Wednesday, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said from Madrid, where he is for a NATO summit, that the police are taking action against the rioters and farmers who misbehaved. He called on protesters to demonstrate “civilized” against the cabinet’s nitrogen plans.

Van der Wal has often had angry farmers in front of her house. Even then there was horror from politics in The Hague. A police post is now standing in front of her door, but it was unable to stop the group on Tuesday evening. The crowd broke through the police barricade.
