CDA member Guillaume Delsing new alderman in Voerendaal | 1Limburg

Guillaume Delsing is the new face in the aldermen’s team of Voerendaal.

Delsing was the leader of the CDA in the municipal elections in March. He had been party chairman for several years. Delsing replaces his party colleague Peter Thomas.

four aldermen
Voerendaal will again have four aldermen in the coming period. Ruud Braun and Harry Coenen remain the aldermen on behalf of Democrats Voerendaal. Pierre Verbraak returns for the PvdA.

coalition agreement
Democrats Voerendaal, CDA and PvdA are currently still working on a coalition agreement. It is expected to be discussed in the city council in July. Then the aldermen are also officially elected and installed. Spearheads in the coalition program will include a housing master plan, more citizen participation, stimulating tourism, climate and sustainability and keeping the municipality financially healthy.

Also read: Current coalition wants to continue in Voerendaal

The coalition can count on 10 of the 15 seats in the city council. Democrats Voerendaal, CDA and PvdA also formed the coalition during the past term of office.
