CDA in coalition Leudal, Ronduit Open falls by the wayside | 1Limburg

Leudal gets a coalition of Samen Verder, CDA and D66. Together, these three parties account for 17 of the 25 council seats.

Explorer Michel Graef of Samen Verder has concluded after having spoken twice with all five parties that a coalition of Samen Verder, CDA and D66 is the most obvious.

That conclusion does not really come as a surprise because tensions had arisen in the previous coalition of Samen Verder, Ronduit Open and D66, especially between the two local parties. As a result, the working relationship with Ronduit Open has been severely damaged and there was therefore no question of simply continuing the existing coalition, according to scout Graef.

At the same time, he notes that the cooperation between Samen Verder and D66 has always been good and that both parties also achieved an excellent result in the elections.

Also read: Together Continue again the largest in Leudal

Samen Verder remained the largest party with 7 seats. That was the same number as in 2018, but the party progressed by 1 percent in percentage. D66 was the big winner and went from 3 to 5 seats.

Six years
According to scout Graef, the choice for the CDA as a third coalition partner is an obvious choice, given the substantive similarities in the field of housing, energy transition and business climate. With this, the CDA returns to the municipal council after more than six years. In February 2016, the CDA pulled the plug on the Samen Verder coalition.

The reason was to send CDA alderman John van den Beuken home. This had come under fire as a result of the state of affairs surrounding the tendering process for library work. But now the CDA is back.

Also read: D66 alderman Robert Martens not in council Leudal

Aldermen and program
Under the direction of an informateur, work will first be carried out in the coming period on filling in the aldermen’s posts before a coalition program is started. This is done at the request of the parties involved.

The reason for this is that aldermen must be able to fully support the coalition program and it is therefore desirable that they themselves play a major role in drawing up the agreement.

It is also possible to start at an early stage with the prescribed integrity assessment of the aldermen.

Besides Ronduit Open with its 6 seats, the Progressive Agreement Leudal also ends up in the opposition. The party has 2 seats.
