CDA and PK core new coalition Bergen | 1Limburg

CDA and Progressive Combination (PK) in Bergen want to continue together in a new coalition. They will be discussing an agreement in the near future.

The basic principle is that a third party will be added afterwards, because CDA and PK only have a majority of one seat (8 out of 15).

Stable majority coalition
“And that is not comfortable. We want a stable majority coalition,” said CDA party leader and party leader Jacob Knoops. The new party Dorpsbelangen and the VVD are eligible as third parties. Negotiations will then take place with one of them.

CDA and PK have deliberately chosen each other again because they have worked well together in recent times and they agree on the most important long-term goals, says CDA leader Knoops.

Renewable energy
He refers to the transition to sustainable energy. Bergen wants to be energy independent by 2030. Not only with the Wells Meer Energy Landscape with a solar park, wind turbines and a biomass factory. But also through solar panels on roofs and energy savings.

Preservation of livability
A second main point is the preservation of the liveability of the villages, for example by building houses. As a result, the number of inhabitants is also growing. A third point is the preservation and reinforcement of the landscape, nature and biodiversity, according to Knoops. He further states that the fight against poverty CDA and PK also think more or less the same.

Election results
The coalition in In recent years, Bergen consisted of CDA, PK and VVD. In the elections, the CDA narrowly remained the largest party in percentage terms, but fell from 6 to 4 seats. PK kept its 4 seats, as did KERN with 3 seats. The VVD halved from 2 to 1 seat, Dorpsbelangen entered the council for the first time with 3 seats.

Also read: Newcomer doing well in Bergen, CDA remains largest

KERN is not a potential coalition partner for CDA and PK. The party is fundamentally opposed to Wells Meer. Moreover, KERN’s way of conducting opposition forms a blockage.
