CBS: record number of tourists book overnight stays in the Netherlands | To travel

Dutch hotels, campsites and cottage sites jointly welcomed a record number of guests in the third quarter. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), a total of 14.6 million guests slept at least one night in our country. That’s the highest number recorded in the third quarter since 2012, when the statistics agency began tracking these numbers.

The number of tourists from home and abroad combined was 15 percent higher than in the third quarter of 2021. Compared to the third quarter of 2019, the last year before corona, 4 percent more people stayed in the Netherlands.

The increase compared to 2021 is mainly due to the fact that more guests from abroad came to the Netherlands. More than a third of all guests who booked an overnight stay in the previous quarter came from abroad. Of this group, most tourists came from Germany (nearly 2.2 million) and Belgium (714,000). Compared to the third quarter of 2021, the number of visitors from the United Kingdom increased in particular.

In almost all provinces, more tourists slept in the period from July to September than a year earlier. The number of guests rose the fastest in North Holland, at 57 percent on an annual basis. According to the CBS, this is mainly because tourists were able to find Amsterdam better. Accommodations in South Holland and North Brabant also welcomed significantly more guests than in 2021.
