CBS: average Dutch households will spend 323 euros less on energy next year than last year

On average, Dutch households will spend 323 euros less on energy this year than last year. This was stated by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on Thursday based on energy prices and consumption last January, which researchers compared to the same variables from January last year. In total, CBS expects that an average household will spend 2,363 euros on energy this year: 12 percent less than in 2023.

Statistics Netherlands attributes the decline mainly to lower energy prices. As it stood last month, energy is on average 220 euros cheaper this year than last year. Gas in particular has become considerably less expensive since gas prices rose explosively following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Electricity also became more affordable. In addition, Statistics Netherlands expects that Dutch households will consume less energy this year than last year.

The differences between households are large, Statistics Netherlands emphasizes. Well-insulated single households spend an average of 1,400 euros per year on energy; multi-person households in large and poorly insulated villas spend an average of 3,990 euros annually.

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