ÇBK Mersin 79-62 Casademont Zaragoza MATCH RESULT – SUMMARY – Last minute Basketball news

The second match of the quarter-final series pitting the two teams against each other will be played in Spain on Wednesday, February 28. The team that achieves 2 wins in the series will advance to the Final Four.

Living room: Servet Tazegül

Referees: Zoran Mitrovski (North Macedonia), Ivana Ivanovic (Serbia), Tijmen Last (Netherlands)

ÇBK Mersin: Mabrey 26, Epoupa 10, Araujo 5, Mavunga 14, Copper 20, Asena Yalçın, Kiss, Melis Gülcan, Cornelius, Derin Yaya, Sinem Ataş, Holingsvorth 4

Casademont Zaragoza: Ortiz 2, Gulbe 9, Fiebich 11, Atkinson 8, Diallo 10, Lacorzana 4, Holesinska, Pointer 9, Gimeno 5, Hermosa 2, Geldof 2

1st Period: 26-22

Circuit: 51-42

3rd Period: 66-54
