‘Caught Monique and André? This is agreed!’

Aaf Brandt Corstius does not believe that André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg were ‘caught’ on the other side of the ocean by the Privé weekly. “Yes, sorry, this is just agreed.”

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André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg were ‘caught’ at the beginning of last week by a paparazzo of the Privé during an intimate meeting in their resort in Orlando, America. According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, Monique tipped the tabloid about their whereabouts and Story boss Guido den Aantrekker thinks so too: “1000%”

‘This has been agreed’

Volkskrant star columnist Aaf Brandt Corstius also thinks that this is intentional. “You can’t not realize this, can you? This is really… And also throwing a volleyball and giving each other the high five and stuff. Yes, sorry, this is just agreed,” she says in her podcast Marc-Marie and Aaf Find Something

Colleague Marc-Marie Huijbregts: “Yes, I think so too. I can’t imagine they didn’t realize it. You can’t do this secretly, can you? New. That just seems to me…”

‘Money for paid’

Aaf is sure: “We just paid money for this. I just think the photo where Monique is touching up her mascara a bit seems legit, but the rest is just… I think they just struck a deal. With my expert eye I think I see this.”

Marc-Marie: “Yes, I think it’s typical too.”

Aaf points out that, according to Privé, there were no other Dutch people in the resort. “Then how can you find people who are in a resort somewhere in Florida? You really can’t find that. There are millions.”

Marc-Marie: “Where there are no other Dutch people and such.”

Aaf: “Yes, but he found them!”

Marc-Marie: “Yes, ‘coincidentally’ we passed by there! And who was there?!”

Evert vs juice channels

It does not surprise Aaf if Private boss Evert Sankrediets has paid a lot of money for this, since the tabloids are overtaken on all sides these days. “He now has to keep up with or try to catch up with those juice channels, which is also impossible of course. He only has one spy and that is Edwin Bredius.”

She has less understanding for André and Monique. “I do not get it. Then you go on a kind of private trip, like nobody’s allowed to look and it’s all for our family, but in that Disney they just posed for very professional photos. I never really understood the interaction between them and the press. They probably live off that.”

‘Not one hundred percent’

Marc-Marie thinks André and Monique are not quite right in their heads. “I had had it with them for a long time, but now they are back together. (…) I don’t think they are both quite a hundred.”

Aaf: “No, I don’t think so either. I just feel bad for that son.”

Both André and Monique have not yet responded to the ‘leaking’ of the images of their American get-together. The leaking of the Private photos has in any case made former Hazes free-range Sarah van Soelen furious. She is now taking steps against the folk singer.

Private cover

The Privé cover with one of André and Monique’s photos:

Marc-Marie and Aaf

Marc-Marie and Aaf’s podcast:
