Cats can probably transmit corona to humans, according to research NOW

Cats can probably transmit the coronavirus to humans. For example, a vet in Thailand became infected with the virus last year when a cat who tested positive sneezed at her. Scientists write that Emerging Infectious Diseases

The cat probably contracted the virus through its two owners. From the research of the scientists of the Prince of Songkla University that the cat, its owners and the vet carried the same virus variant. At that time, that variant was not very common.

The above example underscores the need to isolate pets in the event of an infestation, says University of Guelph infectious disease specialist Scott Weese. “I think it’s important for us to recognize that the virus can still be exchanged between species.”

Scientists emphasize in The New York Times that the virus is transmitted from humans to cats significantly more often than the other way around.
