Cats are masters of life, behaviors to learn

THE cats as teachers of life, capable of silently teaching us precious lessons on the art of relating to our fellow humans? This is the thesis, confirmed by the results of the study carried out by Sanicat (out of over 1000 people). According to which 34% of Italians would like, for example, learn from cats to ignore people they are annoyed by. Indeed, 57% of those interviewed even imagine becoming a cat to live without many worries.

No one can judge him: the cat attacks the juror at a feline competition

“Be more cat” or what we can learn from cats

But if stepping into the cat’s shoes and fur is a fantasy, the “Be more cat” philosophy can really be embraced. There really is something we can learn from our furry friends, so independent and mysterious but capable, unlike other pets, of build relationships based on mutual trust and respect for personal spaces. «Our furry friends teach delicacy in relationships, the art of respecting other people’s boundaries and granting trust gradually», explains Anna Toniutti, Consumer Marketing director of Tolsa (Sanicat). «This precious lesson can be applied to our interpersonal relationships, helping to build more solid and lasting bonds».

Here are the 4 feline “secrets” that we can make our own, with a little commitment and frequenting the “master”. And trying to understand to what extent certain behaviors that living in society imposes on us cannot be circumvented.

Ignore those who annoy us

Cats are masters at maintaining a certain distance and interact only when and with whom they want. If they feel threatened or stressed, they simply retreat and look for a safe place to hide. Only if they feel calm and part of a relationship of trust, they get closer.

Here, 34% of Italians confirm that, like cats, they would like it being able to ignore the people he is annoyed by. 25% admit that they would really like to do what they want when they want. This is not possible? Clear. But a little more connection with our desires, even isolation, perhaps yes.

Live in the moment, like cats do

House cats are capable of enjoy the company of those they love without distractions, a gift that could stimulate us to cultivate deeper and more meaningful relationships. 25% of Italians would like to learn from cats to live in the moment without worrying about the future and the past. Without brooding about what went wrong yesterday and without anxiety for what needs to be done tomorrow.

Communicate in silence

Another aspect on which the research focuses is non-verbal communication. Cats use body language effectively to express emotions and needs, there are a lot of them attentive and sensitive to non-verbal expressions so much so that they perceive people’s moods and react accordingly. Carefully observing and understanding these subtle nuances could improve our ability to communicate without always having to resort to words.

Respect each other

Feline-human relationships often reflect reciprocity. Cats appreciate affection and attention, but they are equally capable of respecting their human companion’s need for solitude. This ability to balance giving and receiving it is also the basis of healthy and balanced relationships between men.

