Cats and dogs: recommendations for choosing a pet daycare

Holiday arrivalsThose who have pets must make an important decision: either they travel with them or they will have to look for someone to take care of them. Many turn to family and friends, but many times it is not easy to assign someone else the responsibility, and the nursery must be selected to pets more suitable and efficient for care.

The selection of a maintenance space implies great responsibility and commitment, much more if it falls within the category of those who feel Dogs and cats like part of the family. For this reason, when choosing an accommodation for pets, a prior face-to-face visit is required: You should avoid doing this type of transaction over the Internet. or through social networks.

Many specialists in animal behavior suggest making brief stays of one day, in these nurseries, to evaluate the adaptation of the pet to the environment. There are dogs that adapt to all kinds of situations, and will even enjoy their stay in a boarding house, with space to run and play with others of their kind. But, in some cases, there are dogs that coexistence costs them.

The vet is also an excellent alternative to ask for recommendations, because many times they work with canine daycare centers that they trust. It is essential vCheck how many animals and in which states they are housed in the pet kennel. overall atmosphere, cleanliness, size and material of cagesare highlights in the evaluation.

The aspect of water and food of animals are exclusive in the choice. If the water looks clean and the food looks fresh, it means that the space takes good care of pets. It is also necessary to know about the Recreational activitiesbecause dogs are very active animals that need to exercise

The special diets, a disease or any characteristic that is important to highlight, it is necessary to let the nursery staff know. In addition, it is also relevant that they know about the dog characteryour attitude with strangers to be adequately prepared.

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