Catherine Keyl victim of Amsterdam cut: ‘Megaruzie!’

Catherine Keyl has fallen victim to the much-discussed experimental cut in an Amsterdam thoroughfare. “Someone almost threw the GPS out the window in front of my car!”


She is regularly suspected of putting her columns on a bit: Catherine Keyl. The TV senior writes in her pieces for De Telegraaf about situations she experiences and she always happens to experience the craziest things. For example, she was once threatened with death at an Amsterdam tram stop and she was robbed in Paris by a man in strange clothes.

‘What the hell?’

Now Catherine has made a piece about her experiences with the traffic chaos in Amsterdam. It reads a bit like a comic: Catherine and De Horror-Knip. “I drive unsuspectingly into the Wibautstraat, a kind of ring around Amsterdam. Fences! What are we getting now?”, said the presenter in the newspaper.

It was the start of a huge traffic jam misery, according to La Keyl. “After that I drive at least 20 minutes behind a Danish car where the windows fog up on the inside.”

“TomTom out the window!”

Why were those windows steamed up? According to Catherine, there was an extreme fight in the car. “While Danes are not known for their temperament.”

That cut in Amsterdam does such bad things to people, Catherine wants to say. And what else? “I see that someone just prevents the GPS from being thrown out the window. And I see a French car where people with red heads are desperately pulling their hair out.”

Free advice

Everyone is angry, according to Catherine. What does she think is the solution? Another snap. And another snap. And another one. “Then close the entire canal belt to all traffic.”

There should then be large parking areas around the city where you can transfer to public transport, says Catherine. “But stop bullying little cars and tourists.”

Can someone show Catherine the way to a P+R location next time?
