Catherine Keyl refuses to talk about Johan Derksen on television

Catherine Keyl (75) refuses to talk about the end of Johan Derksens (73) career in a talk show tonight. She thinks the enormous media fuss about the football analyst is completely idiotic.

© Khalid & Sophie

According to Catherine Keyl, it goes way too far how her peer Johan Derksen has been completely canceled in two days. Many media argue that the football analyst has still not apologized for his candle story, but Catherine thinks that is nonsense. She finds the explanation he has given sufficient for forgiveness.

Catherine saw regret

Catherine tells in good morning Netherlands that she did see remorse in Johan. “I think he clearly showed in his own way that what he did was not right. He immediately indicated that in the second broadcast by telling the story as he thought it really happened.”

She continues: “And in the third broadcast he actually said a couple of times that he is sorry and that it is not right what he did and it was stupid. The word ‘excuse’ or ‘sorry’ was not used, but he has clearly stated that it is not useful what he has done.”


It’s bizarre, Catherine thinks. “If someone has said he’s sorry, we have to accept that. Do we have to continue broadcasts about that for a long time? If you’ve tried twice to go back on what you’ve said, then we need to be forgiving with each other too. That is something we can no longer do in the Netherlands.”

Catherine refuses to participate in a media circus. “Now I even get a call this morning to come and tell about it again tonight. I just don’t, I’m done with it! As a viewer, I don’t want to hear five broadcasts about it either, stop it!”


Tina Nijkamp, ​​former director of SBS 6, thinks that the channel is in serious trouble now that VI has stopped. “It has a lot of consequences. It is one of their most successful programs they have ever aired. You can imagine that the management immediately met after the broadcast to discuss how to proceed.”

VI should have just kept going, Tina thinks. “I think they should have apologized and the program could have continued. I don’t think canceling a program solves anything.”

Weird atmosphere

What was the atmosphere like after the broadcast? Angela de Jong says, also in Good Morning Netherlands: “A little crazy. Weird. As it was on the broadcast. There was a bit of chatter, but Feyenoord was also looked at and Johan Derksen was actually home in ten minutes.”

“It was a bit of a crazy, resigned atmosphere. Nobody knew exactly where they stood. I think they had to let Talpa know what they are doing before 10:00 this morning.”

It is still not clear what SBS 6 will broadcast tonight instead of Today Inside.
