Catherine Keyl lashes out at Carice van Houten: ‘Nice and principled’

Catherine Keyl lashes out at Carice van Houten, the figurehead of the celebrities who protested on the A12 last month. “Yes, nice and principled!”, the TV senior roars.


Carice van Houten recently decided to become a climate activist and she is going for it. She also protested on the A12 motorway last month, where she was even arrested. Other celebrities who were present included singer Merol, writer Simone van der Vlugt and actor Sieger Sloot.


Despite her good intentions, Carice takes a beating from Catherine. She is on the other side of the green spectrum and finds it laughable that Schiphol has to shrink. “We all know, of course, that we have arranged it in the Netherlands in such a way that the pollution immediately stops at the border,” she writes Woman.

She clarifies: “This is meant to be sarcastic. Just as we have actresses who lie down on the A12 as a protest against the environment, but who then travel back and forth three times a month to America or Australia because they have boyfriends or work there.”

‘Nice and principled!’

Catherine is of course referring to Carice’s friend Guy Pearce, who is from Australia, and her odd jobs in America. “If you ask them about it, it’s called functional travel. Yes, very principled. Just like those environmental fanatics who, of course, shower themselves for at least 20 minutes every day, because they are used to that.”

Catherine herself says she does not feel like that hypocrisy. It will therefore not lie on the A12. On the contrary. “Would anyone still care about KLM? Or will they just follow Shell and Unilever, out of the country, because we apparently have no pride left?”
