Catherine Keyl is developing: ‘I am more philosophical now’

Catherine Keyl has become a lot more philosophical lately. That is why she can now join Harry Mens in Business Class once a month. That tells the presenter in the Party.


Anyone who thinks that Catherine Keyl at the age of 75 still stuck with the 5 Hour Show level is wrong. She has suddenly become a very philosophical woman. Precisely for that reason, she can now join the Harry Mens talk show Business Class once a month. There she discusses her Telegraaf columns.

Philosopher Keyl

Catherine considers it a great honor that Harry wants her. “That was completely unexpected for me. I’ve been writing that column for De Telegraaf for eleven years and Harry noticed that I’ve become more philosophical. He came up with a number of examples, which made me think: damn, I’ve changed a bit,” she says in De Telegraaf.

Catherine herself initially did not realize that she had suddenly become a kind of philosopher. “That someone else has to see that, without you even noticing it….”


The Party is extremely curious about Catherine’s philosophical side. What makes her so philosophical? “I think I look more contemplative at society. What I used to do a lot was describe things that happened in my environment. But with that I did not make a connection with society. I do now.”

She points, for example, to the social unrest about the labor shortages at Schiphol. What is her philosophical position on that? “These people stand for a fart and three marbles to work. Who is going to unload and load those very heavy suitcases in the rain or scorching heat, for next to nothing? Nobody does that, right?”

Awesome. The new Socrates has risen.
