Catherine Keyl in deep dust after violent statement about Gordon

Catherine Keyl goes deep in the dust after her mean statements about Gordon. She contacted the teased entertainer. “I said I’m not proud of my statement.”


Shortly after the turn of the year, she suddenly went wild: Catherine Keyl. She razed her unpopular fellow celebrities Gordon and Rachel Hazes to the ground in a gossip magazine. “When I just heard his name, I thought: Argh! Leave me alone. I now have that with André and Rachel Hazes”, she bellowed.

Calling about Gordon

Catherine is now very sorry about that. “Actually, I spent years in this column pointing out to people that harshly condemning each other will only lead to disaster,” she writes in the Woman.

And yet she did just that when the Weekend called her to ask if she wanted to comment on the past showbiz year. “It is during the period that there is again a lot of hassle in his private life. The journalist and I are on the phone for a long time and I let slip that Gordon makes me sick. Wrong!!”


Catherine is very disappointed afterwards. “You don’t say such a thing. Then why am I doing it anyway? It’s exactly what I detest so much in today’s society and now I’m participating in it myself?!”

She contacted Gordon. “I (…) close with a Biblical saying: ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’. I have informed Gordon that I am not proud of my statement.”
