Caterina Balivo: “Today I have three more sizes, but I don’t care”

TO 42 years old Caterina Balivo she knows perfectly well who she wants to be: a woman who loves herself and who respects her body. A body inevitably changed compared to when she, nineteen, she attended Miss Italy. But it is a change that the TV host accepts with awareness.

Caterina Balivo and the three plus sizes

Today I am wearing three sizes more. But I’m not interested in keeping the same measure forever, “said the presenter interviewed by Very Womaninsert de The messenger. Pointing out: «I want to be a beautiful forty, I want to be a beautiful fifty, and I don’t want to look forty at fifty“.

The presenter on the red carpet of the second season of the Sky Diavoli series (Ansa)

A real lesson in body positivity, but also an invitation to women to accept without fear the signs of time on your body. After all, with the passing of the years and after two pregnancies, the body is destined to change. But it is a passage that the Balivo invites to live with serenity.

We women must love each other

“I like to take care of myself,” added the presenter who will soon arrive on TV8 with a new program in prime time. “We women must love each other, I often say this on TV too. Sometimes the most radical women confuse vanity with love for themselves. It’s not that if you make a turn you are vain: you are loving yourself“.

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The invitation to body positivity

Not just on TV. Even on social media Caterina Balivo often shares messages from body positivity. “Rolls? Bacon or panciona, stretch marks white or red? Larger pelvis after births? So?!? W the bikiniHe wrote about last year Instagram showing off the first costume of the season. Arousing admiration from followers. But also some comments from those who did not like: “You VIPs who talk about rolls, stomachs, stretch marks when you don’t have them, I can’t stand you!”.

